A Feeling vs An Identity
Is it a feeling or your identity?
If you've spent any amount of time with me (in person or virtually), you've probably heard me talk about how powerful words are. And they are! It's the reason we call it "spelling"; words cast a spell. So we need to be judicious with the words we choose. You can also check out this other blog post I wrote on this topic if you feel called to.
One of the reasons affirmations can be so transformational is that they often start with "I am". Affirmations are also written in a positive way and in the present tense; this creates a statement of identity.
Pay attention to your "I am" statements!
A lot of times, we default to "I am" statements when we really should be using "I feel" statements. A common example I see is someone saying "Ugh, I am so sick!"
No, no, no! Saying that is owning that as an identity. The difference may seem subtle, but the impact is huge!
The better word choice here would be "I feel so sick". It's absolutely okay to acknowledge when we're facing some sort of challenge or struggle (such as battling a cold). We just want to be careful about making that part of our identity. An even better statement in this case would be "I feel so sick, but I know that my body is in the process of healing itself."
Admittedly, catching ourselves and shifting our words can take some work! But just keep trying, and do so with self-compassion and no judgment. You'll get there!
And if you'd like some help shifting into a more aligned version of you, I'd love to support you!