Help! My Crystal Broke!
A big bowl of pretties! Can you feel the energy?
If you’ve ever had a crystal or crystal item (like a bracelet) break, I’m sure you’ve felt pretty sad about that. But don’t be sad! And I’ll tell you why, and what to do with the item, in just a minute.
First, let’s chat a bit about crystals. And I’m talking about gemstone crystals, like Amethyst and Labradorite (2 of my faves!), not the “crystals” made of sparkly glass common in some jewelry today. Gemstone crystals are pretty popular in the metaphysical/spiritual community, and they are commonly used as a healing tool. Each crystal has its own unique coloration, structure, vibe, and healing properties. They can assist with everything from enhancing your intuition, to helping curb anxiety, to getting a good night’s sleep, and so much more.
When choosing crystals, I encourage you to go with how a crystal feels to you, not by its appearance. Looks can be deceiving, but energy never lies. You will be drawn in by the crystals that have the properties you need at that particular time.
So you’ve chosen your crystals, have started working with them, and all is going wonderfully. Until…IT happens. The crystal, or crystal item, breaks. And you’re devastated. But don’t be!! Usually when this happens, it means that the crystal has done its job for you, and that your time working together is complete. Which is actually a very good thing!
But now what do you do with this broken thing?
You have a couple of options, so see which feels right to you. You can gift the pieces to other people that you feel drawn to share them with. You can choose to keep them as separate pieces. You can work them into a new piece with a new intention. You can also bury them and send them back into Mother Earth, expressing gratitude for her gifts to you, and the work you accomplished together.
And then treat yourself to some new crystals!
P. S. All that being said, if you would ever like me to re-string something you have purchased from me, I’m very happy to do that for you at no charge.