About Me
Thanks for visiting me! My name is Alicia Mastrangelo, and I am the owner of Live It Love It Wellness.
My own journey with holistic healing began when I was looking for a non-medication way to help me manage my anxiety, because my body and pharmaceuticals just don’t get along all that well. I knew that meditation and yoga were helpful for me. But one day, I was guided to this thing called Reiki. I listened to that tiny voice inside me that said “ooohhh…Try it!” So I did. And my life hasn’t been the same since that day.
I consider myself a recovering perfectionist, a recovering people-pleaser, and a recovering worrywart. As a first-born, I also tended to be the fixer, the doer, the one who always got shit done, but usually while ignoring (and neglecting) my own needs. Over time, I also discovered that I am an Empath. Meaning that I can pick up on (and absorb) the emotions and feelings of others. Once I discovered that about myself, I realized that a lot of my anxiety wasn’t actually mine; it belonged to other people. And a good portion of my own anxiety was my body’s reaction to being bombarded by other people’s energy. Fun times!
Becoming a Reiki practitioner has helped me learn how to manage my own energy, to stop absorbing other people’s, and how to release what doesn’t serve me. It has also helped me deepen my connection to my intuition, and to learn that self-care actually isn’t selfish. It has helped me learn how to be present, appreciate the “now”, and how to lean into living an intuitive life of flow. I felt compelled to complete all levels of Usui Reiki training so that I could teach others the fabulous healing tool known as Reiki. But Reiki is so much more than a healing tool; it’s probably one of the absolute best tools for opening the door to your own intuition, and to your own path of personal development.
Over time, Spirit has guided me to add more offerings to my business so that I can support folks in a variety of different ways. I am proud of myself for continuing to say “yes” each time, even if my first reaction is roaring laughter and “Seriously, guys? You want me to learn how to do what now?!”.
On the left: Me looking camera-ready. On the right: Me living my inner child dream of hugging Chewbacca!
I’ve included a picture of me so you can put a face to the business. Admittedly, most days, you will typically find me with my hair in a bun and wearing jeans and sneakers. I'm a laid-back, casual type of gal. So, although I take my work seriously, I try not to take myself too seriously. And I’ve also included a photo of one of my favorite days where I got to meet Chewbacca. As a life-long Star Wars fan, this was a pretty fun day for me! Even though I was in my 40s when it happened, my inner child really couldn’t have been more tickled in that moment (in case you couldn’t tell by the look on my face).
I'm the type of person that likes to occasionally use sarcasm and humor with my clients (and in life, really) because I think that laughter is one of the greatest healers. I also think that laughing while working through the current pile of poo you're navigating is absolutely okay. And necessary, a lot of times, to help keep you sane during your journey.
My role as Expedition Leader as you navigate your healing journey is to help shine some light into the dark, offer some suggestions for your path forward, and help you rediscover your own innate power to heal yourself. Our work together will be a collaboration, so you must be a willing participant. Together, we can achieve great things! Ready to get started?
I am a voracious learner and I have spent many, many, MANY hours engrossed in various methods of self-study and good old-fashioned practice. Not all learning comes with a certificate of completion, but I do have a couple of those too: Reiki Master Teacher certification (from my Reiki Teacher) and Spiritual Healer certification (from the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts).
Here’s my SUPER exhausted, but smiling face holding my Reiki Master Teacher certificate! And a picture of my JVP Spiritual Healer Certification certificate.