Reiki Practitioners - Just Say NO to Distance Attunements

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Although I’m very happy to see that Reiki is becoming more popular and more accepted these days, I am NOT happy to see so many “bargain bin” online Reiki classes being offered, complete with “distance attunements”. I’m also sure Dr. Usui is none too pleased with this.

Before I go any further, please know that I’m strictly addressing distance Reiki practitioner attunements for the various levels of Reiki; Reiki Distance Healing is an entirely different topic and is exempt from this discussion.

Reiki is a hands-on healing modality. Yes, we can work slightly off the body when necessary, and we can perform distance healing (only if we have been properly attuned to do so). And Usui Reiki also requires a hands-on attunement process. Each Reiki level must be taught separately and in person. When you complete a level, you receive an attunement to connect you to the Reiki energy, which completes your training for that level. This attunement involves you, the Reiki energy, and your Reiki teacher; it involves a lot of physical contact to make the appropriate connections. As my teacher describes it, it’s like using one big candle to light a bunch of smaller candles using the same flame. If you aren’t receiving an in-person physical attunement, you’re not receiving any Reiki ability. Additionally, the hands-on practice time under the guidance of your teacher during your in-person Reiki certification class is an extremely important part of your Reiki training.

You should receive a minimum of 1 attunement after each level of Usui Reiki training you complete, and you must go through a 21 day clearing process following your attunement. The Reiki energy takes 3 days to clear through each of your 7 main chakras and to imprint the Reiki ability within you (hence the 21 day clearing period). You then also need time to practice Reiki before you move on to learning the next level. So if anyone is offering to teach you more than 1 level of Reiki in a day or in a weekend, they are cheating you out of the attunements and imprinting time you are meant to have after each level.

Please do your research and ask questions, whether you are receiving Reiki from someone (it’s okay to ask them about their training and education!) or you are thinking of becoming a Reiki practitioner yourself. And if you are thinking of becoming a practitioner, ask questions and please please PLEASE ensure you are getting the proper education, especially if you would like to have your own business or would like to use Reiki in the medical field. We must ensure that we are actually providing Reiki to those that seek it out.