"Journaling" Isn't a Dirty Word



Sometimes I see my frients (friend clients) physically cringe when I recommend journaling to them as a form of self-care. I think for a lot of folks, the idea of journaling conjures up images of being 12 years old, writing in your diary that has a lock on it, and giving a play by play of your day’s interaction with your current crush. Or they feel like journaling is just too formal for them, and it’s yet another “obligation” in their already busy day.

I encourage them (and you) to forget what you think journaling is, and to make it something that is unique to you. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Grab a notebook and just write. The goal is to get out all the stuff that’s stuck inside you. Maybe you write about your day. Maybe you write about your goals and dreams. Maybe you write about your frustrations. Maybe you write a letter to someone to give you some closure. Maybe you make a bulleted list of ideas that pop into your head. There really are no rules.

Here is what I usually recommend as a process:

  • Sit quietly for 1-2 minutes.

  • Take a few slow, full deep breaths to help quiet the body and quiet the mind.

  • Grab your notebook and write whatever pops into your head…WHATEVER pops into your head. It doesn’t need to make sense. It doesn’t have to be coherent, grammatically correct sentences. It could be feelings, colors, numbers, ideas….literally anything.

  • Keep writing until you feel like you’re done. You can also choose to set a timer for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

  • Congratulations! You just journaled!