Abundance Is Not A Pizza
Abundance is not a pizza. Uh, no shit, Alicia; pizza is pizza! But hear me out…
A pizza typically has 8 slices. So if you take a slice (or three; I don’t judge!), there is less pizza left for everyone else. And eventually, you’ll run out of pizza.
A lot of folks view abundance the same way; they think that if they receive abundance, then there is less abundance available for everyone else. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Abundance is infinite, and there is plenty for everyone. Yes, really!
So why do we think abundance is finite? It mostly has to do with old programming and beliefs we learned growing up, even when we weren’t consciously aware of them. How many of us were told or heard things like "don't be greedy", "other people need it more than you", "who are you to ask for that", “you have to work really hard to get anything you want”, etc etc? Additionally, issues regarding feeling worthy of receiving can be intimately connected to our views on abundance as well, making this an even more interesting belief system to untangle and rewire. All of those statements I mentioned above also have a connection to worthiness too…"don't be greedy", "other people need it more than you", "who are you to ask for that", “you have to work really hard to get anything you want”. Ouch. Double whammy. Blerg!
If any of this sounds familiar to you, the good news is that you can alter your thinking around abundance! It might take a bit of work, but it’s totally worth it. First and foremost, allow yourself some grace and self-compassion as you work to change your beliefs. In addition, have some grace and compassion for those in your life that have influenced these beliefs, as they were doing the best they could at the time, based on their own belief systems. And keep going. All of the work to change your beliefs is totally worth it when you start seeing abundance flow into your life easily and consistently. For me, a wide variety of things have helped me throughout the years: Reiki (to clear out blocked and stuck energy), talk therapy (to help me uncover and shine a light on subconscious beliefs), journaling (writing is a great outlet), a consistent gratitude practice (focus your energy on the good and more good will come), and various meditations around abundance, receiving, and clearing old programming (Insight Timer is a great meditation resource!).
Abundance is our natural state and you are absolutely worthy of receiving it.
And I’m sorry if you’re now craving pizza. :-)