Is Distance Reiki a Real Thing?

I frequently use chakra crystals when performing a Distance Reiki session.

I frequently use chakra crystals when performing a Distance Reiki session.

The short answer: Yep.
And, also yep, Reiki Distance Healing is just as effective as an in-person session.

A lot of folks think that Reiki is only an in-person healing modality. But, in actuality, if a Reiki practitioner has been attuned to it (at least a Level II practitioner), they can also provide Reiki via Distance Healing. As someone who has friends & family all over the world, I was delighted to learn that this would be something I would be able to do once I received my Level II training and attunement. I eventually moved on to become a Master Teacher, but that is a story for another time.

Everything is energy. Reiki is energy. The Universe is energy. We are energy.

Reiki Distance Healing is a way of connecting to and channeling the Reiki energy to a particular person, regardless of where they are located. For my Distance Reiki sessions, I request the person’s name and their location (city/state/country) or some other identifying information. Having this information helps me really dial in to their energy, exactly the same as if they were seeing me in person. (Similarly, I request this same information when I’m creating a custom Reiki-infused crystal healing bracelet or amulet for someone. This allows me to connect with them and see what they need on an energetic level.)

During the Distance Healing session, I use some Reiki symbols to create the connection between the Reiki energy and the recipient; I am the facilitator and conduit for the process. Once my connections are made, I channel Reiki energy to the receiver for whatever amount of time we agreed upon. Each practitioner will have their own way of performing a Distance Reiki session, just like each practitioner will have their own style of how they perform an in-person session. For 30 or 60 minute sessions, I like to use this set of chakra crystals. As I am channeling Reiki to a particular chakra, I will hold its respective crystal and visualize myself working directly with the recipient. For me, holding the crystal helps keep me connected and focused. There are various other techniques that practitioners use when doing their Distance Healing sessions, but this is what resonates with me.

As the recipient of Distance Healing, your job is the same as if you were seeing me in-person: let go of expectations, allow whatever wants to happen for you, and just be open to receiving. It’s pretty simple on your end, but not always easy.

I will work with you to set up your session however you feel would be best for you. Some of my Distance Healing clients prefer to set up a specific day & time with me so that they can be in a comfortable, relaxed setting while I am sending Reiki to them. Other clients are comfortable receiving at any time that is convenient for me to send Reiki to them. After your Distance Healing session is complete, I will email you a detailed accounting of what your energy told me and any messages that I received for you; I’ll let you know where your blocks were, what impacts they could’ve been having on you, and some recommendations on how to keep your chakras more clear going forward. And we ALL get blocks from time to time, so Reiki is a great wellness tool that should be utilized regularly to help keep your energy flowing freely.

Hopefully this helps clarify a little bit about Reiki Distance Healing. If you have additional questions, please leave me a comment or reach out via email ( You can also read more about Reiki Distance Healing here. Have you tried Reiki Distance Healing?